// CavX Lunch & Discussion Seminar
Wietske Tuinte, Medical University of Innsbruck
Stefanie Geisler, University of Innsbruck
Main objectives: The purpose of these meetings is to increase interactions between young scientists within the CavX consortium (& associated members); to thoroughly discuss (new) methodology utilized within our network (incl. discussion of potential pitfalls & troubleshooting); to practice conference talks and poster presentations for local & international meetings; to assist in carrier development measures (e.g. discussion of possible funding opportunities, how to successfully write grant/award applications); to support young scientists in a friendly and PI-free environment.
Strategy: Talks will be given by the students themselves or by local speakers (e.g. young Postdocs within the consortium or associated members).
Outcomes: CavX students will develop skills of teamwork and presentations, increase their knowledge on non-familiar topics and science-related skills, increase their visibility within and outside of the CavX consortium, provide useful contributions to strengthening the communication & networking between the two Innsbruck Universities.
Discussed topics:
– Address potential organizational questions from new students. Brainstorming on which topics we want to cover in our future meetings.
– Q&A time with the CavX coordinator Petronel Tuluc & former CavX student Noelia Jacobo Piqueras (e.g. curriculum, enrolment at LFU/MUI).
– Michael Oberhauser (former Master student in Singewald’s group, Department of Pharmacology, LFU IBK; currently Senior Director at Lonza) will talk about his career path and work experience.
– Talk rehearsals for the PhD Life science meeting
– Microscopy imaging techniques
– Feedback on CavX symposium & Oral presentation of CavX students on the topic “Electrophysiology techniques”
– Brainstorming for the ECCC 2024 Workshops & Planning of future topics
– Bernhard Flucher will give a workshop/talk on how to write a grant.
– Laura Häfele (AG Tuluc) will give a Masterclass on ELISA experiments.
– Poster presentation rehearsals for Biophysics Meeting.
– Andreas Lieb (former PhD student in Jörg Striessnig’s Lab, former Marie Curie Fellow at University College London, and currently Assistant Professor at Medical University Innsbruck) will provide helpful insight into his academic career path.