CavX Lunch & Discussion Seminar

Center for Chemistry and Biomedicine (CCB) L.03.121 Innrain 80 - 82, Innsbruck, Austria

Organizers: Wietske Tuinte, Medical University of Innsbruck Stefanie Geisler, University of Innsbruck   Today’s topic: Q&A time with the CavX coordinator Petronel Tuluc & former CavX student Noelia Jacobo Piqueras (e.g. curriculum, enrolment at LFU/MUI).

CavX Seminar: Tuck Wah Soong

Tuck Wah Soong National University of Singapore TITLE: Loss of CaV1.3 RNA editing enhances mouse hippocampal plasticity, learning, and memory Seminar: LINK

CavX Lunch & Discussion Seminar

Center for Chemistry and Biomedicine (CCB) L.03.121 Innrain 80 - 82, Innsbruck, Austria

Organizers: Wietske Tuinte, Medical University of Innsbruck Stefanie Geisler, University of Innsbruck   Today’s topic: Michael Oberhauser (former Master student in Singewald's group, Department of Pharmacology, LFU IBK; currently Senior Director at Lonza) will talk about his career path and work experience..

CavX Lunch & Discussion Seminar

Center for Chemistry and Biomedicine (CCB) L.03.112 Innrain 80 - 82, Innsbruck, Austria

Organizers: Wietske Tuinte, Medical University of Innsbruck Stefanie Geisler, University of Innsbruck   Today’s topic: Talk rehearsals for the PhD Life science meeting

CavX Lunch & Discussion Seminar

Organizers: Wietske Tuinte, Medical University of Innsbruck Stefanie Geisler, University of Innsbruck   Today’s topic: Microscopy imaging techniques presented by Jan Ahrend & Victora Halim (Vogl group) Location: Room 3114, main building (Innrain 52, 3rd floor).  We meet at 11:30h at the Mensa in the Agnes-Heller building to have lunch together and then walk to ... Read more

CavX Lunch & Discussion Seminar

Center for Chemistry and Biomedicine (CCB) L.03.121 Innrain 80 - 82, Innsbruck, Austria

Organizers: Wietske Tuinte, Medical University of Innsbruck Stefanie Geisler, University of Innsbruck   Today’s topic: Feedback on CavX symposium & Oral presentation of CavX students on the topic "Electrophysiology techniques"-  presented by Simone Pelizzari, Martin Heiss & Ferenc Török Location: Center for Chemistry and Biomedicine (CCB) L.03.121  

CavX Lunch & Discussion Seminar

Organizers: Wietske Tuinte, Medical University of Innsbruck Stefanie Geisler, University of Innsbruck   Today’s topic: Brainstorming for the ECCC 2024 Workshops & Planning of future topics Location: Agnes Heller Haus Mensa, After lunch we will walk together to the seminar room: Innrain 52a / Seminarraum 14 (01M090) Innsbruck, 6020 Austria  

CavX Lunch & Discussion Seminar

Center for Chemistry and Biomedicine (CCB) L.03.112 Innrain 80 - 82, Innsbruck, Austria

Organizers: Wietske Tuinte, Medical University of Innsbruck Stefanie Geisler, University of Innsbruck   Today’s topic: Bernhard Flucher will give a workshop/talk on how to write a grant.    

CavX Lunch & Discussion Seminar

Center for Chemistry and Biomedicine (CCB) L.03.112 Innrain 80 - 82, Innsbruck, Austria

Organizers: Wietske Tuinte, Medical University of Innsbruck Stefanie Geisler, University of Innsbruck   Today’s topic: Laura Häfele (AG Tuluc) will give a Masterclass on ELISA experiments.    

CavX Lunch & Discussion Seminar

Center for Chemistry and Biomedicine (CCB) L.03.121 Innrain 80 - 82, Innsbruck, Austria

Organizers: Wietske Tuinte, Medical University of Innsbruck Stefanie Geisler, University of Innsbruck   Today’s topic: Poster presentation rehearsals for Biophysics Meeting.   Directly after CavX Journal Clubs until lunchtime

Cavx Lunch meeting Friday 07.02.2025

Center for Chemistry and Biomedicine (CCB) L.03.121 Innrain 80 - 82, Innsbruck, Austria

On Friday we'll have our next lunch meeting at 12h in room L.03.121 in CCB, and we'll discuss the best way to present a poster on a conference. Martin, Matthias and Elisa will bring their posters for biophysics so we have some examples to look at. If anyone else has a poster to bring (also an ... Read more

CavX Lunch & Discussion Seminar

Center for Chemistry and Biomedicine (CCB) L.01.220 Innrain 80 - 82, Innsbruck, Austria

Organizers: Wietske Tuinte, Medical University of Innsbruck Stefanie Geisler, University of Innsbruck   Today’s topic: Andreas Lieb (former PhD student in Jörg Striessnig's Lab, former Marie Curie Fellow at University College London, and currently Assistant Professor at Medical University Innsbruck) will provide helpful insight into his academic career path.